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Editing Services

Every book needs an editor. As author, you are so familiar with your work it's hard to see problems, such as when a word is omitted or a character is mentioned before she's introduced.

Sea Leaf Book Editing serves as editor for your book, providing a variety of editing services, including:

  • Chapter sample editing so you can see how we work

  • Editing packages combined with design and marketing services

  • À la carte editing services

  • Free consultation

If you will self-publish your book, find the best book editing services here at Sea Leaf Book Editing.

Line editing
Line editing checks for a book’s potential problems. If there are issues with story line, characters, or writing style, Sea Leaf will note this, using Track Changes to explain our editing comments. Then you oversee and approve each change.
A line edit also includes proofreading for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.


Every book needs a proofreader. You’ve worked hard on your book, but you know each line so well, it’s easy to overlook errors. Sea Leaf is a fresh pair of eyes checking your story for grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation mistakes.

Content (structural) editing

This structural review of your book examines character development, plot, pacing, and writing style. Sea Leaf can spot trouble that slows down your book, or suggest alternatives if a plot line loses its way.

We work closely with authors so the changes are always your own. We use Track Changes to make comments so you can see our suggestions, think them through, and make your own decisions about how to proceed.

In traditional publishing, authors send chapters of their book to the editor as it’s being written. Sea Leaf Book Editing can do this, too, so that during the writing process, you get the kind of personal feedback and professional suggestions available to authors  at the best publishing houses.

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