What goes on a copyright page?
Does the question mark go inside or outside the quotation marks?
Do I capitalize French fries?
All these issues are a matter of style, and the Chicago Manual of Style has answers.
Most books use Chicago style (periodicals use AP style, and there are other style guides). Sea Leaf Book Editing uses this style guide, too. When we have a question about punctuation or usage, this is where we turn so we can ensure consistency throughout your book.
A New Day at CMOS
The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) recently released its 18th edition. The Grammar Girl podcast interviews two CMOS editors about updates in the new edition. You can listen to the podcast or read the transcript. Some of these shifts reflect current thinking, and some may seem like they’re leading the charge! You’ll find these changes, and much more, in CMOS 18:
Book structure advice for self-publishing
Use of emojis
Using the singular “they”
Pronoun usage
The importance and use of Merriam-Webster
The new style guide,is also available online with an annual subscription, which can simplify lookups. Once and for all you can know: Should I capitalize French fries?